Wednesday, October 30, 2019

External Environment of Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

External Environment of Business - Essay Example As the paper stresses many non governmental organizations that include many trade organizations and multi lateral forums, have recognized the need for a comprehensive vision on globalization. This has happened in other forums also that could represent the people of the world. World Trade Organization has its own view of the Globalization. While the other experts and researchers have their very own thought process on the issue of global village and globalization. According to the report findings World Trade Organization promotes global trade; ethical global trade. With the increasing technological and political closeness of the countries the national boundaries are merging to produce one single working economy. The fall of the Berlin wall brought about an integration of Germany, as much as the Euro that brought about unified trading partnership between the European Countries. WTO heralds the coming together of all these practices that would include sub groups like the G8, BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China), and a number of multilateral forum primarily to work out consensus on the issues that plague the global trade. WTO works on the global trade sine globalization is more pronounced and felt in trade than on any other walks of life, let it be culture or sports exchanges. By bringing together a standard practice of trading code, the WTO aims at presenting a comprehensive Globalization that would bring in equality of all participants and fairn ess of trade for all stake holders of the planet. Globalization brings in multiple dimensions to the stake holders in terms of unfair dumping of products in specific areas, free market economies on one end and controlled or regulated markets at the other. Either of them cause problems to specific groups of people and could kill the lives of millions of people like what it did to the textile industry of India during the eighteenth century when Britain dumped its goods there. WTO wants to ensure that global trade that is at the heart of globalization to be free and fair to all concerned. Laissez faire is what WTO wants to promote. Free movement of goods and services across the boundaries of nations brought in through common governance. The economic globalization is the engine that is driving the process of globalization and the organizations like WTO. WTO wants to ensure that all the parties should be fairly treated and a long term vision of the planet is maintained. This is needed since for the current day gain, it is very often found that the long term vision is lost in many nations. In Indonesia, the smoke that masks the sun during summer has become a common place incident. The world has started ignoring the happening three years after the first time it occurred. Indiscriminate cutting of forests and land clearing are the major cause for the happening. WTO aims at bringing in wood control by ensuring that for every tree that is cut at one end of the forest there is another tree planted elsewhere and the cycle of cutting and planting should be continuous and not destructive. It is not a question of moving over to the next forest but rebuilding and harvesting the same forest area. Social forestry has become the watch word of many a forest departments the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Emerging Disease Trends Essay Example for Free

Emerging Disease Trends Essay People use health care services for many reasons: to cure illnesses and health conditions, to mend breaks and tears, to prevent or delay future health care problems, to reduce pain and increase quality of life, and sometimes merely to obtain information about their health status and prognosis. Health care utilization can be appropriate or inappropriate, of high or low quality, expensive or Inexpensive. The study of trends in health care utilization provides important information on these phenomena and may spotlight areas that may warrant future in-depth studies because of potential disparities in access to, or quality of, care. Trends in utilization may also be used as the basis for projecting future health care needs, to forecast future health care expenditures, or as the basis for projecting increased personnel training or supply initiatives. The health care delivery system of today has undergone tremendous change, even over the relatively short period of the past decade. New and emerging technologies, including drugs, devices, procedures, tests, and imaging machinery, have changed patterns of care and sites where care is provided. The growth in ambulatory surgery has been influenced by improvements in anesthesia and analgesia and by the development of noninvasive or minimally invasive techniques. Procedures that formerly required a few weeks of convalescence now require only a few days. New drugs can cure or lengthen the course of disease, although often at increased cost or increased utilization of medical practitioners needed to prescribe and monitor the effects of the medications. Over the past decade, both public and private organizations have made great strides in identifying causes of disease and disability, discovering treatments and cures, and working with practitioners to educate the public about how to reduce the incidence and prevalence of major diseases and the functional limitations and discomfort they may cause. Clinical practice guidelines have been created and disseminated to influence providers to follow recommended practices. Public education campaigns urge consumers to comply with behavioral recommendations (e. g. , exercise and lose weight) and treatment regimens (e. g. , take your medications) that may help to prevent or control diseases and their consequences. Health care utilization also has evolved as the population’s need for care has changed over time. Some factors that influence need include aging, sociodemographic population shifts, and changes in the prevalence and incidence of different diseases. As the prevalence of chronic conditions increases, for example, residential and community-based health-related services have emerged that are designed to minimize loss of function and to keep people out of institutional settings. Aging The median age of the worlds population is increasing because of a decline in fertility and a 20-year increase in the average life span during the second half of the 20th century. These factors, combined with elevated fertility in many countries during the 2 decades after World War II (i. e. , the Baby Boom), will result in increased numbers of persons aged ;65 years during 20102030. Worldwide, the average life span is expected to extend another 10 years by 2050. The growing number of older adults increases demands on the public health system and on medical and social services. Chronic diseases, which affect older adults disproportionately, contribute to disability, diminish quality of life, and increased health- and long-termcare costs. Increased life expectancy reflects, in part, the success of public health interventions, but public health programs must now respond to the challenges created by this achievement, including the growing burden of chronic illnesses, injuries, and disabilities and increasing concerns about future caregiving and health-care costs. This report presents data from the U. S. Bureau of the Census, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations on U. S. and global trends in aging, including demographic and epidemiologic transitions, increasing medical and social costs related to aging, and the implications for public health. In the United States, the proportion of the population aged ;65 years is projected to increase from 12. 4% in 2000 to 19. 6% in 2030. The number of persons aged ;65 years is expected to increase from approximately 35 million in 2000 to an estimated 71 million in 2030, and the number of persons aged ;80 years is expected to increase from 9. 3 million in 2000 to 19. 5 million in 2030. In 1995, the most populous states had the largest number of older persons; nine states (California, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas) each had more than one million persons aged ;65 years. In 1995, four states had ;15% of their population aged ;65 years; Florida had the largest proportion (19%). By 2025, the proportion of Floridas population aged 65 years is projected to be 26% and 15% in 48 states (all but Alaska and California). The sex distribution of older U. S. residents is expected to change only moderately. Women represented 59% of persons aged 65 years in 2000 compared with an estimated 56% in 2030. However, larger changes in the racial/ethnic composition of persons aged 65 years are expected. From 2000 to 2030, the proportion of persons aged 65 years who are members of racial minority groups (i. e. , black, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander) is expected to increase from 11. 3% to 16. 5%; the proportion of Hispanics is expected to increase from 5. 6% to 10. 9%. The world has experienced a gradual demographic transition from patterns of high fertility and high mortality rates to low fertility and delayed mortality (2). The transition begins with declining infant and childhood mortality, in part because of effective public health measures (2). Lower childhood mortality contributes initially to a longer life expectancy and a younger population. Declines in fertility rates generally follow, and improvements in adult health lead to an older population. As a result of demographic transitions, the shape of the global age distribution is changing. By 1990, the age distribution in developed countries represented similar proportions of younger and older persons. For developing countries, age distribution is projected to have similar proportions by 2030. People are living longer because of both lifestyle changes and advances in health care. For example fewer people smoke today than in the past. In the 1950’s more than half of men and a third of women smoked cigarettes. By 2005, those numbers were down to 23 percent of men and 19 percent of women. Thanks to major advances in medicine, fewer people die at an early age from heart disease and cancer. For example the five year cancer rate improved from 50 percent in the mid 70’s (1975-1977) to 66 percent at the turn of the 21 century (1996-2002). With increased longevity , Boomers will reach retirement age, have more years to enjoy it and , in turn , more years in need of health care services. Diabetes The number of Americans with diabetes is expected to rise from 30 million today to 46 million by 2030, when one of every four Boomers -14 million-will be living with the chronic disease. These diabetic Boomers will require continuous medical management in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Arthritis The number of Americans with arthritis is expected to rise from 46 million today to 67 million by 2030. At that point, nearly one out of every Boomers-over 26 million-will be living with the condition. While health risk of arthritis are not as great as other chronic illnesses, the decrease mobility arthritis can trigger will cause many Boomers to seek new alternative therapies, pain control treatments, exercise regimens and joint replacements. Obesity If Americas obesity trend continues at its current pace, all 50 states could have obesity rates above 44 percent by 2030 according to a new report from Trust for Americans’ Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. With current U. S. obesity rates holding steady around 35 percent thats one-third of Americans the 9-plus percent gain within two decades would be a significant increase; however, not as large of an increase as the nation has seen in the past two decades. While the health hazards are apparent the report projects double the number of new cases of obesity-related ailments like diabetes, heart disease hypertension by 2030 the increase in American obesity would also take a toll on the healthcare system itself. Current estimates put the medical costs of obesity at more than $147 billion. With increasing rates, the costs of preventative healthcare relating to obesity would rise by $48 billion to $66 billion in the next two decades. Many Americans arent very physically active. One reason for this is that many people spend hours in front of TVs and computers doing work, schoolwork, and leisure activities. In fact, more than 2 hours a day of regular TV viewing time has been linked to overweight and obesity. Other reasons for not being active include: relying on cars instead of walking, fewer physical demands at work or at home because of modern technology and conveniences, and lack of physical education classes in schools. People who are inactive are more likely to gain weight because they dont burn the calories that they take in from food and drinks. An inactive lifestyle also raises your risk for coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, colon cancer, and other health problems. Our environment doesnt support healthy lifestyle habits; in fact, it encourages obesity. Some reasons include: (1) Lack of neighborhood sidewalks and safe places for recreation. Not having area parks, trails, sidewalks, and affordable gyms makes it hard for people to be physically active. (2) Work schedules. People often say that they dont have time to be physically active because of long work hours and time spent commuting. (3) Oversized food portions. Americans are exposed to huge food portions in restaurants, fast food places, gas stations, movie theaters, supermarkets, and even at home. Some of these meals and snacks can feed two or more people. Eating large portions means too much energy IN. Over time, this will cause weight gain if it isnt balanced with physical activity. (4) Lack of access to healthy foods. Some people dont live in neighborhoods that have supermarkets that sell healthy foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Or, for some people, these healthy foods are too costly. (5) Food advertising. Americans are surrounded by ads from food companies. Often children are the targets of advertising for high-calorie, high-fat snacks and sugary drinks. The goal of these ads is to sway people to buy these high-calorie foods, and often they do. Part of the reason for the rise in the obesity rate is the changing demographics of the U. S. population. The baby boomer generation is aging. With aging comes a decrease in activity. If you are less active, the calories you take in can mean the difference between being lean and being obese. It is all about a balance between diet and fitness. Biology also works against you. With the loss of muscle mass, you burn fewer calories. Menopause also sets up a scenario where women in this age bracket put on a few pounds. However, according to Mayo Clinic, you dont have to follow the path of age-related weight gain. You have control over your activity. If you stay active, you can maintain the balance between the fuel your muscles use and your caloric intake. Unfortunately, the media teaches people that being overweight is not something for which to be ashamed. However, being fat is not okay. It is unhealthy and not something that can be dealt with by trendy fashions or slimming panels. The only solution is to lose weight. Otherwise, you will likely fall prey to the health risks of those added pounds. They can take months or years off your life. Losing weight is not an option; it is a necessity. Health  » With the rise in heart disease and diabetes, the medical field has been forced to consider the main causes of obesity in America in order to halt the alarming trends of this health epidemic. If you are overweight or obese, it behooves you to find ways to get your weight under control in order to avoid the consequence of excessive weight. Part of the reason for the rise in the obesity rate is the changing demographics of the U. S. population. The baby boomer generation is aging. With aging comes a decrease in activity. If you are less active, the calories you take in can mean the difference between being lean and being obese. It is all about a balance between diet and fitness. Biology also works against you. With the loss of muscle mass, you burn fewer calories. Menopause also sets up a scenario where women in this age bracket put on a few pounds. However, according to Mayo Clinic, you dont have to follow the path of age-related weight gain. You have control over your activity. If you stay active, you can maintain the balance between the fuel your muscles use and your caloric intake. Unfortunately, the media teaches people that being overweight is not something for which to be ashamed. However, being fat is not okay. It is unhealthy and not something that can be dealt with by trendy fashions or slimming panels. The only solution is to lose weight. Otherwise, you will likely fall prey to the health risks of those added pounds. They can take months or years off your life. Losing weight is not an option; it is a necessity. The fact remains that fat tastes good. It gives you a satisfying feeling. It is the epitome of comfort food. If you want to lose weight, it is up to you to break the fat addiction, which is one of the main causes of obesity in America. At the simplest level, added weight makes your heart work harder. You may huff and puff going up the stairs or even walking across the room, if you lug around an extra 30 to 40 pounds. If you have tried to lift a heavy suitcase or other load that size, you know how difficult toting the added weight can be. Imagine carrying around that excess baggage 24/7. Obesity feeds upon itself. As you gain weight, it becomes more difficult to move around. Your muscles ache. You become easily fatigued. Your inactivity causes you to increase weight. This vicious cycle is one of the main causes of obesity in America. In order to overcome it, you must break this cycle of inactivity. Being obese increases your risk of several chronic health conditions including heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes The good news is that losing a small amount of weight can reduce your chances of developing heart disease or a stroke. If you are overweight, reducing your weight by 5%-10% is proven to decrease your chance of developing heart disease. Fortunately, even a modest weight loss of 10 to 20 pounds can bring significant health improvements, such as lowering ones blood pressure and cholesterol levels You can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by losing weight, eating a balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, and exercising more. If you have type 2 diabetes, losing weight and becoming more physically active can help control your blood sugar levels. Increasing your physical activity may also allow you to reduce the amount of diabetes medication you need. Future There will be some very disruptive and some transformational changes in the way health care is delivered, not as a result of reform, but as a result of the drivers of change described in a previous post on KevinMD. com. They included an aging population, an obese society, shortages of doctors, and emerging consumerism, among others. There will be many more patients needing substantial levels of medical care. These won’t be just any patients but two specific groups that are growing rapidly. Americans are aging. â€Å"Old parts wear out† and there are certain diseases that become more prevalent with age like Alzheimer’s and osteoarthritis. And of course our society has many adverse lifestyles such as consuming too much of a non-nutritious diet, being sedentary, being chronically stressed and 20% still smoke. These all lead to chronic illnesses like diabetes type II, heart failure, cancer, chronic lung and kidney disease, etc. So there will many more individuals with chronic illnesses. The especially sad thing is that many of these individuals will be moderately young as a result of obesity since one third are overweight and another one third are frankly obese. This increase in chronic diseases and diseases of aging will have huge impacts on care delivery. Health care delivery will help obesity related issues by educating obese clients the proper diet and food intake and how important exercise to lose weight. The health team can discuss patients on the effect to the body . the serious disease that they can get being obesed. they can guide them in their food intake and control and help them lose weight. As for age related health issues- health teaching is the best way to inform patients to diseases that is related to age. The team can help them be aware and give them preventive measures for the age related diseases.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Constitutions Abroad :: essays research papers

The Constitution of the United States of America is unique in many ways. It is also has various similar qualities from the constitutions of other countries around the world. The constitutions of Switzerland, Poland, and Germany have commonalties with that of the United States’ constitution because they all talk about freedom and personal liberty, use the separation of powers as an effective way to run the government, and the elections process. Article 2 of the Swiss Constitution states that, â€Å"The Swiss Confederation protects the liberty and rights of the people and safeguards the independence and security of the country.† This article is very similar to that of the First Amendment of the United States’ Constitution. This amendment states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Freedom and basic personal liberties such as these are widely exercised in many worldly constitutions. However, this is not the only shared characteristic that the U.S. Constitution shares with those of the rest of the world. Other countries such as Poland have the effective system of the separation of powers working with them, as does the United States. We all know that the separation of powers was established so that no one specific group in the government would be able to dominate our country. This concept is very much like Poland’s way of keeping the power out of one single unit. Article 10 of the Polish Constitution states: The system of government of the Republic of Poland shall be based on the separation of and balance between the legislative, executive and judicial powers. Legislative power shall be vested in the House of Representatives and the Senate, executive power shall be vested in the President of the Republic of Poland and the Council of Ministers, and the judicial power shall be vested in courts and tribunals. Because more than one country uses this method and has been successful for quite some time, it is safe to say that this particular way of running the government is fair and effective. Other effective measures have been taken by the U.S. to ensure a smoothly operated government. Much like the Constitution of the United States, the German constitution holds the law of fair, free, and secret elections.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Comparing and contrasting between two poems Essay

In this essay I am going to look at the differences and similarities between two cultural poems. I will look at the language used by the poets to describe the different cultures and I will also look at the imagery used to portray the cultures in the poems. The two poems I will be looking at is ‘Island man by Grace Nichols’ and ‘Blessing by Imtiaz Dharker’ The poem ‘Island Man’ is about a Caribbean Island man who lives in London and still wakes up to the sound of the sea and the poem ‘Blessing’ is about a third world country who have hardly any water and can’t wait for the water pipe to burst so that they can have some more water for a while. Island Man is broken up into four stanza’s with one line at the end on it’s own. The first stanza is where he is waking up after dreaming about the island and he is slowly coming back from his dream. In this stanza they have used a metaphor ‘wombing’, which is actually a made up word, however, this word makes you think that he could have possibly grown up here as the word gives the impression that he feels a sense of safety towards the island and so he could have grown up there. It also uses sibilance with the words ‘Surf, steady and wakes’. This creates a calm and gentle mood for the island where ‘Island Man’ possibly grew up. The second Stanza is also about him waking up from his dream and coming back from the island in his head and also expands on the image created in the first stanza. The first line ‘Wild seabirds’ gives you the feeling that on this island you are free and you can relax and have fun without being stressed out all the time. There is an adverb ‘defiantly’ used on the third line to describe the sun ‘Sun surfacing defiantly’ this is a lexical field, creating the image of independence or refusing to be organized. Also the word ’emerald’ has been used to describe the island, this suggests that the island is precious to him and that it has many vivid colours whish are really special to him. Then the last line of the second stanza is stood out from the rest of the poem ‘groggily groggily’ is used to describe the him coming back from the island to the stress of everyday life, and it emphasises the way that he doesn’t want t o come back. The third and fourth stanza’s are about him waking up from his dream about the island and realises that he is in London and not where he wants to be. ‘Grey metallic soar’ and ‘Dull, north circular roar’ are used to describe London as really dull and having a lack of colour, whereas the island appeared to be very colourful, for example ‘ Blue surf’ and ‘sun surfacing defiantly’ and ’emerald island’. Also in the third stanza the third line stands out from the rest of the poem ‘ Surge of wheels’, this is describing the sharp sound of London compared to the soft and relaxing sounds of the island. In the fourth stanza, the first and second lines link back to the island ‘muffling, muffling’ deadens the sharp sounds from earlier in the poem and ‘his crumpled pillow waves’, links to the sounds of the island, him thinking his pillow is the waves of the island. And finally the last line in the fourth stanza ‘island man heaves himself’ which is followed by the last line ‘Another London day’, Contrasts with wakes up and shows how much he really is longing to be on that island instead of in London and how he has to pull himself away from his island and begin another London day. The poem ‘Blessing’ starts with a similie which really emphasises the meaning of the poem ‘the skin cracks like a pod. There is never enough water’, onomatopoeia is also used with the word ‘cracks’ to add emphasis to show how desperate these people are for water. Like ‘Island Man’ the second stanza expands on the image created within the first two lines. The second line uses onomatopoeia twice, ‘splash’ and ‘echo’. This makes you realise how precious the water is to the people in the poem, especially when it says how they imagine the echo of it in a tin mug on lines 3-6, this really shows there desperation and longing for something everyone else would take for granted. In the third stanza, various metaphors are used to add emphasis to the previous stanza and also create a new image of how they react when they receive more water than they normally have. They describe the water as ‘silver crashing to the ground’, this shows how important the water is to the people, especially when the water is described as ‘silver’. The people are described as a ‘congregation’ to again add emphasis and show how much these people want the water and how desperate they are, this is shown again by using another metaphor on the very last line of the third stanza ‘frantic hands’, this again shows the desperate people trying to reach for the water. Finally, the fourth stanza describes how fantastic and amazing they find this water by using another metaphor to show how much they treasure the water ‘as the blessing sings over their small bones’, also in this final stanza it describes how poor they were and how little they had by saying that the children were naked and their ‘small bones’ could mean that they are really weak as they don’t have much to eat and obviously not enough to drink. Overall the two poems are fairly similar as they are both about people wanting things and longing for something that they don’t have. For instance in ‘Island Man’ he continuously dreams about the island where he possibly grew up and where he wants to be everyday instead of the dull and stressful life that he is currently living in London. Likewise in ‘Blessing’ the people who live in the poor country have hardly any water and are longing for water. A phrase from each poem could possibly link this to each poem, for example in ‘Island Man’ on the fourth line it says ‘In his head’ and in ‘Blessing’ on the third line it says ‘Imagine’. These phrases could indicate to the reader that both poems are about people wanting things that they can’t have and are so desperate that they dream about them. However there are differences between the two poems, for instance in the way the poems are written, because Island man has no punctuation apart from a capital letter on the first and last line and also on the first line in the section of poem that starts to describe the city of London. This could be to distinguish between the two different places described in the poem and then the last line of the poem where it shows how he is feeling about waking up for another London day when he really doesn’t want to. And also because in ‘Blessing’ they are longing for something which they need to survive (water), whereas in ‘Island Man’ he is desperate to go back to the island where he grew up and is precious to him however unlike the people in ‘Blessing’, he could actually live without the island, even though he may not want to, although you cant live without water.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Got Milk Essay

In the fast paced world of today, advertisers have to keep up with the times. One of the best ways they do this is through the â€Å"Got Milk† advertisements. Milk is a part of everyday life. The â€Å"Got Milk† campaign is seen in all types of magazines from sports to beauty, featuring many different kinds of celebrities selling their product. By putting familiar faces on magazine advertisements and using interesting television commercials, the company sell their products. It also gets people to drink more milk and it is a very effective campaign. They are trying to reinforce that the calcium in milk keeps bones strong and helps prevent osteoporosis but is that the way everyone views the ads and commercial advertisements? The first Got Milk advertisement ran on October 29, 1993, and featured an extreme history buff receiving a call to answer a radio station’s $10,000 trivia question , â€Å"Who shot Alexander Hamilton in that famous duel? † The man’s apartment is shown to be a sort of museum to the duel, packed with artefacts. He answers the question correctly, but because his mouth is full of peanut butter and he has no milk to wash it down, the radio station couldn’t make out his answer and he ran out of time. For most, this commercial would have been just funny and comical but others weren’t so amused. Some history buffs said this was a disgrace to the Alexander Hamilton and said that it was mocking him. This just goes to show we all see things differently. Irony is the secret weapon to get the point across for this advertisement. There is a green eyed blonde with a low cut â€Å"little black dress† caressing her flawless body with her arm around a martini glass filled with milk. She is seductively leaning against a glass covered wooden bar with a luring gleam in her eyes. Her and the milk are the main focus of this advertisement. In the background is faded liquor and wine bottles. While looking at her you cannot take your eyes off of her milk mustache and the milk martini glass that got to touch her full pink lips. The irony of this advertisement is that out of all the handsome tall liquor bottles, she chose the thin lean martini with milk in it. Now maybe next time the viewer of this advertisement is consuming alcohol they will think about having a nice cold refreshing glass of milk when they get home. Even though that’s what the message of this cosmopolitan magazine was, some mothers made complaints saying that their daughters read their magazines and that it was promoting drinking alcoholic beverages with the martini and wine glasses all over the advertisement. Surely not all people have the same views and opinion. Another â€Å"Got Milk advertisement I would like to examine is the Superman advertisement. When you think of superman what comes to mind? Do you think of his ability to fly? Maybe, you think of his attractive face? Or possibly, you think of his rocking physique? Superman is a heroic icon known by people of all different types. They see him as a credible character that devotes his life to saving the damsels in distress. At one moment or another in most people’s lifetime, they dream to be the hero in some situation. They hope to be recognized for their good deeds and give credit to those that they look up to. Whether they are young or old, people do their best to imitate the actions of their icon, superman, every day. In this advertisement, the author is trying to get people to drink more milk by making them believe that in order to be like superman they have to drink milk. The advertisement depicts superman floating high in the crystal blue sky surrounded by fluffy white clouds. Superman is made to be the center of this picture because he is enlarged compared to the background. Although his tights and the sky are a similar shade of blue, the bold red makes him stand out. Superman also makes a statement because of the body language he displays. In the midst of this calm and serene background superman stands with his arms crossed, looking powerful and bold with a milk mustache. Although he looks a little silly with the milk mustache he has a very serious look on his face. The underlying message is that if you want to be as powerful and strong as superman you have to get down to business and drink your milk. In the depicted advertisement the author is trying to persuade everyday people by making it seem as though the only reason superman has strong bones is because he drinks milk. The point of the advertisement is to make people think that if they drink milk they will feel great and have super strong bones like superman. This is exactly why comic book fanatics were furious over this ad. They said his strong bones and super powers came from his home planet â€Å"Krypton† and not from drinking milk. We see this as silly but when someone is passionate about something they stick to it and don’t let it go. Even something so fictional can have an effect on how a person takes an ad. In conclusion the â€Å"got milk† campaign is a very well organized and structured campaign that makes others want to drink milk from seeing their role models with their milk mustaches. Eighteen years ago this campaign started and it is still grasping the attention of viewers. The population is getting healthier from drinking more milk therefore these got milk advertisements must be working. The â€Å"Got Milk† campaign and there white mustaches will be around for a very long time encouraging people to drink more milk but if people see the innocent â€Å"Got Milk† campaign as offensive then there will always be people that don’t like what their lo.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Realism and Non-governmental organizations essays

Realism and Non-governmental organizations essays The contemporary political world has existed relatively unchanged since the ratification of the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648. Under this system, states and their leaders became the ultimate decision-makers in the world. For hundreds of years, this system has provided a guideline for the behavior of states. The need for a more formal state system came as the world became more closely linked. Even if the system has not changed, the world in which exists has transformed since 1648. One of the major forces working and creating pressure to change the system is globalization and the interdependency. The purpose of regimes and international organizations is to supplement governmental power to provide additional support and stability. A non-governmental organization is any group of people relating to each other regularly in some formal manner and engaging in collective action, provided that the activities are non-commercial, non-violent and are not on behalf of a government (Baylis hierarchical dualism of the Westphalian system because it was an empirical reality, reinforced by the absence of any significant international actors capable of autonomous action (Falk, 138). Nevertheless, according to Hobbes, a covenant without swords are but mere words, and thus any decisions made without the force to back them are nothing more than writing on paper. States are the only significant actors in the system; in spite of that, non-government organizations attempt to create change within the system. Most of the times, NGOs seek a role in order to alleviate some of the negative features that results when governments make decisions, but globalization-from-above has strong positive consequences and potentialities (Falk, 139). It is impossible to make every person happy. The best that can be done is to try to create a favor...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Protest Globalization essays

Protest Globalization essays When I look at the word Globalization many things come into my mind. However, the most positive of them consist of; a world that is more connected, the sharing of different thoughts and ideas and a world in which there are almost no barriers on what we listen to, read and even think. My generation has grown up in the prime of this and I have seen first hand the goodness that can come out of it and I have benefited in many ways from it. However, where there is a good side to Globalization, there too must be a bad one and that can be seen in the term Corporate Globalization. This term has been used a lot in the past decade, not only by me but by people all over the world that have seen the horrible affects of Corporations going global. In the following essay I will try to portray to you why there are a growing number of protests over this type of Globalization and I will give suggestions as to how we may end the corporate slaughter that is affecting all of us. The term Corporate Globalization is very self-explanatory in nature, but so are a lot of things. It is by looking within the term that we will find the true definition of what Corporate Globalization really is. Corporate Globalization is the way in which huge corporations all over the world (not just in the United States, although that is where a lot of it comes from) go into countries where they feel they can make a profit in (mainly countries in the Third World). In doing so these companies are taking a country that was once completely self sufficient and reliant on no one and putting them into the hands of major First World Powers. These corporations then force a huge change among the country that they are entering; this can be seen through the way in which the labourers are affected. When these corporations higher workers, they are only hiring them because they know that they can make a huge profit from being there ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

French Surname Meanings and Origins

French Surname Meanings and Origins Coming from the medieval French word surnom translating as above-or-over name, surnames or descriptive names trace their use in France back to 11th century when it first became necessary to add a second name to distinguish between individuals with the same given name. The custom of using surnames did not become common for several centuries, however. Most French surnames can be traced back to one of these four types: 1) Patronymic Matronymic Surnames Based on a parent’s name, patronyms and matronyms are the most common method French last names were constructed. Patronymic surnames are based on the fathers name and matronymic surnames on the mothers name. The mothers name was usually used only when the fathers name was unknown. Patronymic and matronymic surnames in France were formed in several different ways. The typical form of attaching a prefix or suffix that means son of (e.g., de, des, du, lu,  or  the Norman fitz) to a given name was less common in France that in many European countries, but still prevalent. Examples include Jean de Gaulle, meaning John, son of Gaulle, or Tomas FitzRobert, or Tomas, son of Robert. Suffixes meaning little son of (-eau, -elet, -elin, elle, elet, etc.) may have also been used. The majority of French patronymic and matronymic surnames have no identifying prefix, however, being direct derivations of the parents given name, such as August Landry, for August, son of Landri, or Tomas Robert, for Tomas, son of Robert. 2) Occupational Surnames Also very common among French surnames, occupational last names are based on the person’s job or trade, such as Pierre Boulanger [baker], or Pierre, the baker. Several common occupations found prevalently as French surnames include Berger (shepherd), Bisset (weaver), Boucher (butcher), Caron (cartwright), Charpentier (carpenter), Fabron (blacksmith), Fournier (baker), Gagne (farmer),  Lefebvre (craftsman or blacksmith), Marchand (merchant) and  Pelletier (fur trader). 3) Descriptive Surnames Based on a unique quality of the individual, descriptive French surnames often developed from nicknames or pet names, such as Jacques Legrand, for Jacques, the big.Other common examples include Petit (small), LeBlanc (blonde hair or fair complexion), Brun (brown hair or  dark complexion), and Roux (red hair or ruddy complexion). 4) Geographical Surnames Geographical or habitational French surnames are based on a person’s residence, often a former residence (e.g., Yvonne Marseille means Yvonne from the village of Marseille). They may also describe the individuals specific location within a village or town, such as Michel Là ©glise (church), who lived  next to the church.  The prefixes de, des, du, and le which translate as of may also be found used in geographical French surnames.   Alias Surnames or Dit Names In some areas of France, a second surname may have been adopted to distinguish between different branches of the same family, especially when the families remained in the same town for generations. These alias surnames can often be found preceded by the word dit. Sometimes an individual even adopted the dit name as the family name and dropped the original surname. This practice was most common in France among soldiers and sailors. Germanic Origins of French Names As so many French surnames are derived from first names, it is important to know that many common French first names have Germanic origins, coming into fashion during German invasions into France. Therefore, having a name with Germanic origins does not necessarily mean that you have German ancestors! Official Name Changes in France Beginning in 1474, anyone who wished to change his name was required to get permission from the King. These official name changes can be found indexed in: L Archiviste Jà ©rà ´me. Dictionnaire des changements de noms de 1803–1956 (Dictionary of changed names from 1803 to 1956). Paris: Librairie Francaise, 1974.   Meanings Origins of Common French Surnames 1. MARTIN 26. DUPONT 2. BERNARD 27. LAMBERT 3. DUBOIS 28. BONNET 4. THOMAS 29. FRANCOIS 5. ROBERT 30. MARTINEZ 6. RICHARD 31. LEGRAND 7. PETIT 32. GARNIER 8. DURAND 33. FAURE 9. LEROY 34. ROUSSEAU 10. MOREAU 35. BLANC 11. SIMON 36. GUERIN 12. LAURENT 37. MULLER 13. LEFEBVRE 38. HENRY 14. MICHEL 39. ROUSSEL 15. GARCIA 40. NICOLAS 16. DAVID 41. PERRIN 17. BERTRAND 42. MORIN 18. ROUX 43. MATHIEU 19. VINCENT 44. CLEMENT 20. FOURNIER 45. GAUTHIER 21. MOREL 46. DUMONT 22. GIRARD 47. LOPEZ 23. ANDRE 48. FONTAINE 24. LEFEVRE 49. CHEVALIER 25. MERCIER 50. ROBIN

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Comprehensive SWOT analysis for the Proposed performance Improvement Essay

Comprehensive SWOT analysis for the Proposed performance Improvement Plan - Essay Example Additionally, the improvement plan will also be a basis for sufficient financial resources for the Unit from the California Pacific Medical Center, a better image and reputation for the unit along with insulation from any pressures that might arise from other units in the medical center. The improvement plan will further allow the unit to offer differentiated services while offering cost advantages originating from the improved processes, which will be beneficial to the rest of the medical center. A weakness is an aspect or attribute that puts an organization at a disadvantage with the lack of particular strengths being considered as weakness (Schulz & Johnson, 2003). Weaknesses in the improvement plan may result in the medical surgical telemetry unit facing some vulnerability to various pressures. Weakness needs close assessment since some of them may have negative consequences to the organization. A number of the weaknesses intrinsic in the improvement plan of the in the medical surgical telemetry unit include: having an indistinct strategic direction, working with outmoded facilities, inadequate management vision including depth and skills as well as difficulties in raising capital to execute the implementation plan. Additionally, outdated technology in the unit, low morale on the part of the employees, poor previous record in executing strategies and poor image to the rest of the medical center are some of the weaknesses that may affect the implementation plan. Opportunities are seen as advantageous situations that can be used to benefit the organization and is offered from the outside environment so that the management can choose the manner in which they can best use it (Garcarz, Chambers & Ellis, 2003). Opportunities may arise as a consequence of favorable changes in the external environment or from a productive approach created by the management in making the environment beneficial. Some of the

Analysis of Electronic Medical Records Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis of Electronic Medical Records - Essay Example The system should have the capacity to store quite a large amount of information at any one time. The operations of such information should also be manageable for ease of retrieval by the hospital officials and other users (Skolnik & Neil, 121). The hospitals also want the EMR to address the problem of mishandling, error, and confusion associated with operation manual information.The patients have their share of information requirement as far as their wellbeing is concerned. Firstly, they need a system that makes it easier to keep their information as confidential as it can be possible. EMR provide electronically storage of information that should offer confidential features for the storage of sensitive data about their personal details, medical records, and history. Secondly, the electronic systems should provide for immediate processing of claims and processing of payment as well. Thus, people seeking health care services would find it convenient to receiving health care and making the payments for the services (Skolnik & Neil 122). The patients are also seeking a system that should have the capacity to reduce the need for hospital admissions or their stay in the hospital. This means that they can receive equally quality services online, saving a lot of expenses. Physicians, on the other hand, are set to benefit from the implementation of EMR operations in the hospitals. Firstly, they are looking forward to an electronic system that can provide for immediate access to data. Manual storage of records is the source of immense time wastage in the hospitals where the health professional has to spend a lot of time looking for information in past stored files. Thus, the EMR should resolve this problem by providing an easy and convenient way of accessing information about any given patient. Secondly, the health professional is in need of a system that makes

Friday, October 18, 2019

Humor in Edgar Allan Poes Some Words With a Mummy Essay

Humor in Edgar Allan Poes Some Words With a Mummy - Essay Example A symposium having wearied him into a drowsy headache, the narrator resolves to go to bed early with "just a mouthful of supper." The 'mouthful' proves a gargantuan one, consisting of four or five pounds of Welsh rabbit and at least five bottles of Brown Stout. The narrator drolly insists that after this "frugal meal" he went to bed hoping to sleep till noon the next day. Quite apart from the intention of entertaining the reader with his wit, the narrator probably also wishes to suggest that the ensuing story could have been a dream engendered by the extraordinary evening meal and his state of unusual weariness. The narrator wittily complains that ere he had completed his "third snore" he was awakened by the doorbell and was given an urgent message from his friend Dr Ponnonner. The doctor had secured permission from the Directors of the City Museum to open and examine a mummy, and he invited his friend to the examination at eleven, that evening at his house. Excited and ecstatic, "overthrowing all in my way", dressing himself "with a rapidity truly marvellous", the narrator set off, at the top of his speed, to the doctor's. An eager party of scientists and historians standing around Dr Ponnonner's dining table, on which the mummy had been placed, eagerly awaited the narrator. The outer box was opened to reveal hieroglyphical characters-probably the mummy's name. The narrator records, tongue-in-cheek, that these were translated by Mr Gliddon to represent the word "Allamistakeo." Not one of the assembled party of scholars comments on the humor of this appellation. The narrator, however, seems confident that the lay reader of his story will get the joke, for he does not make the mistake of underscoring the obvious. This is, doubtless, a dig at the blinkered vision of the new trend of specialist scholars. The puerility of the scholars is again highlighted in their idiotic experiment of introducing electrical current to the mummy's body ("about one-tenth in earnest and nine-tenths in jest") and their fright at the first unexpected reaction to it. The narrator calls attention to the fact that the mummy's wide-open eyes were now half- closed. He was not alarmed by this occurrence, he says, but he admits that were it not for the five bottles of Brown stout he had consumed, he "might have been a little nervous." As for his scholarly friends, they really made no attempt at concealing the downright fright which possessed them. Doctor Ponnonner was a man to be pitied. Mr. Gliddon, by some peculiar process, rendered himself invisible. Mr. Silk Buckingham, I fancy, will scarcely be so bold as to deny that he made his way, upon all fours, under the table. With all the stupidity of scholarship, they continue their juvenile researches after the initial shock. They now apply the electric current to the great toe of the mummy's right foot. The mummy's immediate reflex bestowed a sturdy kick on Dr Ponnonner, "discharging that gentleman, like an arrow from a catapult, through a window into the street below." The doctor's friends mournfully go down to collect his "mangled remains" but Ponnonner himself rushing up "in an unaccountable hurry, brimful of the most ardent philosophy", meets them on the way, eager as ever to continue the experiment. Dr Ponnonner now takes

Evaluating web site audiences Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Evaluating web site audiences - Assignment Example In this way the designers present the intended audience of the brand. Firstly you may think that there are clothes only for women. It is the main idea of the designer who puts women on the top among the expected buyers. While exploring the site I saw that there were also collections for men, young people and children, so we see that this is the brand for all ages and genders. By writing prices near the goods the designers show that this brand is created for successful and high-income people. The second site is oriented for young women no more than 25. It is easy to see when you open it. The designers use energetic music and positive girls to represent the intended audience. So when you open the site you understand that it is for teenagers and for girls only. The site offers discounts and sales by means of which the creators try to attract people of middle income. The site of â€Å"Versace† introduces the new collections on top pages. It means that selling them is the main aim of the company. The site is designed in muted colors in order not to distract the attention of the customer. The web page of ‘Tally Weijl† uses discounts to attract people who are more interested in prices. That is why the site is very colorful and vivid. To make the site ‘Tally Weijl† easy and more comfortable in use they offer to choose the country you live in. After choosing the country the web page is displayed at your language. That is made for attracting people all over the world. There are two different styles which represent sites: classic style (â€Å"Versace†) and casual style (â€Å"Tally Weijl†). Classic style is typical for people engaged in different business spheres, open ceremonies and public interviews, while casual style is more appropriate for everyday life activities: shopping, walking, sport and so forth. Every page of â€Å"Versace† site contains logo which is an important part of the company image that is why it is easy to identify any

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Why World War 2 had the most importance in the 20th century Essay

Why World War 2 had the most importance in the 20th century - Essay Example Post Second World War, the belt of dictatorship became loose. Dictatorship had been a major cause that had led to the rise of the war. Additionally, the war did usher a period of Atomic age. Utilization of the atomic bombs did indicate the advancing nature of weaponry in wars. It was the turning point of many societal issues (Dorn, pg. 540). Many opportunities did erupt after the war, and any person who grabbed them did benefit greatly. Women were the greatest achievers and beneficiaries. The symbol of the women during the war period was Rosie the Riveter. She demonstrated the woman’s worth. She was a strong woman walked head high with super self-esteem. She reversed the mentality that the place of a woman is in the kitchen. Women became a part of the team involved in welfare. They did work as hard as men, and sometimes even harder than the way men did. They had skills to operate heavy machines (Sokoloff, pg. 315). The summation of the war ended up with a third of the women as part of the army fighters. During the war period, women were granted better privileges at work. They were the backbone of the economy. They could build and maintain heavy machinery, as well as operate them. They received a pay increase. The event was detrimental to the position of woman in the society. The African Americans were beneficiaries of the event. There was a down surge in the discrimination levels after the war. Prior to the war commencement, the whites detested any assistance from their black Americans counterparts. In fact, they did hang a big notice in their stores â€Å"No Help Wanted.† After the war, they changed it to â€Å"Help Wanted.† Many African Americans did secure a job and made them earn a decent living. The order from the American president in 1941 even paved a great path for the elimination of discrimination. The President made an order that four businesses linked with the government should support racial equality. In the war, the black

In the light of the global financial crisis, discuss how the Essay - 2

In the light of the global financial crisis, discuss how the remuneration of chief executives of banks should be determined - Essay Example It was observed by several economists that for banks, one of the major reasons of not been able to survive during the financial crisis is the remuneration policies for the bank CEOs. Mcgarvey (2012) illustrates the fact that even in the era of financial instability of the world economy, salaries of CEOs is just climbing up without any adequate justification of such high salaries. This in-turn also exposes banks and other firms to higher risks without promising that the high paid CEO will turn away those risks coming in their way. Hence in the banking sector especially, it is important to devise polices, which ensures that CEOs are paid in the interest of the bank and not more than their potential and skills (Mcgarvey, 2012). Determining the Remuneration of Chief Executives 1. Maintaining Equilibrium between the bank’s profit and remunerations. The prime objective of any bank is to attract investors and get more capability to land money to others. Therefore, the shareholders ha ve to make sure that the remuneration of the CEO is aligned with the bank’s profit. In the period of the financial crisis, if the bank is making a good profit, then paying high salary to the CEO is justified. However, in case the bank is losing its clients and the profit is shrinking, the salary of the CEO should also be reduced proportionally, to maintain equilibrium between the bank’s profits and expenditures (NCNB, 2006). 2. ... In this scenario, paying a CEO who is less talented and skilful can reduce the morale and passion of other employees of the bank. Therefore, it is a very important factor, especially during the financial crisis, to pay CEOs as per their skill, talent and ability to benefit the bank. In addition to this, it is also important to measure the contribution of each employee when the bank is progressing. If the salary of a CEO is increased, then salaries of other employees who have contributed in the bank’s progress should also be increased with a defined proportion (Gertler et al., 2011). 3. Market Research Directors of the bank have to be aware of the current market position and the maximum salary given by banks to their CEOs. In addition to this, owners of the bank should analyze the past records of the bank to find a relation between banks’ progress and CEO’s salaries. On the base of all rationales, directors and owners of the bank should come up with a remuneration plan, which is neither very low as compared to the market value of CEOs nor too high to expose banks to higher financial and employees’ dissatisfaction risks. The main step is in the recruiting of the CEO; if the salary is offered very high first up, then lowering it down if the bank’s profit decreases then it can further disappoint the CEO. This will ultimately be a drawback for the bank as if the CEO is not passionate with the job the entire bank structure will fall to desolation (Marshall, 2009). 4. Bonuses Incentives and bonuses are also an important part of the total remuneration given to the CEOs. It was observed by Calabria (2009) that many banks have a short term benefit approach and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Why World War 2 had the most importance in the 20th century Essay

Why World War 2 had the most importance in the 20th century - Essay Example Post Second World War, the belt of dictatorship became loose. Dictatorship had been a major cause that had led to the rise of the war. Additionally, the war did usher a period of Atomic age. Utilization of the atomic bombs did indicate the advancing nature of weaponry in wars. It was the turning point of many societal issues (Dorn, pg. 540). Many opportunities did erupt after the war, and any person who grabbed them did benefit greatly. Women were the greatest achievers and beneficiaries. The symbol of the women during the war period was Rosie the Riveter. She demonstrated the woman’s worth. She was a strong woman walked head high with super self-esteem. She reversed the mentality that the place of a woman is in the kitchen. Women became a part of the team involved in welfare. They did work as hard as men, and sometimes even harder than the way men did. They had skills to operate heavy machines (Sokoloff, pg. 315). The summation of the war ended up with a third of the women as part of the army fighters. During the war period, women were granted better privileges at work. They were the backbone of the economy. They could build and maintain heavy machinery, as well as operate them. They received a pay increase. The event was detrimental to the position of woman in the society. The African Americans were beneficiaries of the event. There was a down surge in the discrimination levels after the war. Prior to the war commencement, the whites detested any assistance from their black Americans counterparts. In fact, they did hang a big notice in their stores â€Å"No Help Wanted.† After the war, they changed it to â€Å"Help Wanted.† Many African Americans did secure a job and made them earn a decent living. The order from the American president in 1941 even paved a great path for the elimination of discrimination. The President made an order that four businesses linked with the government should support racial equality. In the war, the black

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Explain the major theoretical approach to infantchild development & Essay

Explain the major theoretical approach to infantchild development & Analyse the psychosexual stage theory of infantchild development - Essay Example F Skinner. The theory believes that behavioural development happens through classical and operant conditioning and stresses the role of nurture. There is a strong relation between stimuli and behavioural response. In this case development is seen as a continuous process where learnt responses keep accumulating and new ones increase with age. Several studies were conducted to reinforce the theory that responses in behaviour are a result of external stimuli and that the external factors are more important as compared to internal factors. To take an example, John Watson experimented with an infant's responses to a rat and stimuli coupled with it. The infant was not afraid of the rat. However, he developed fear of the rat after a series of sharp sounds were made whenever the rat was shown. Behaviourists conclude that environment is more influential in shaping behaviour. Also, behaviours can be modified using external stimuli (Berk, 1996). Watson's theory of behaviourism brought about interest of many psychologists and birth of related theories like Clark Hull's drive reduction theory and Skinner's operant conditioning theory. Following these also emerged the social learning theories, which had a strong influence in child development research during 1950s. These theorists believed that role modelling and observational learning strongly influence social development and behaviour. One of the most powerful theories was developed by Albert Bandura. He and his colleagues stressed the role of selective imitation which affects their learning. He added the role of children's thought process to the original theory of behaviour which stressed only on stimuli and response (Berk, 1996).. Despite their limitations, the behaviourism and social learning theories had a significant impact on applied work with children. Based on these, techniques have been developed to socialize children into appropriate behaviours and get rid of inappropriate behaviours (Berk, 1996). Psychodynamic Theory In context of psychodynamic theories, famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud and his theory of psychoanalysis come to mind. Psychodynamics refers to theories of Freud, his followers' or theories based on his ideas. Anna Freud, Alfred Adler Carl Jung and Erik Erickson are some of the most popular contributors from the field of psychodynamics. The theories are have been derived from sessions with patients, case studies and use of projective techniques to understand the workings of human mind. Psychodynamics strives to make connections between thoughts, motives, subconscious mind and how people perceive the world. The prime focus in psychodynamics is the interrelation between emotional states of id, ego, and superego and their impact on early developments and processes. Psychodynamics also believes that early experiences are conserved in the unconscious mind. Later in life, these conserved experiences, thoughts and emotions either remain buried in the unconscious or find way to the consciou s mind. These buried experiences are at times the cause of mental disturbances. Various psychodynamic

Monday, October 14, 2019

Political science as a social science Essay Example for Free

Political science as a social science Essay Political Science is in part a social science, and in part a humanity. Both are important. In this topic, we will look at the basics of social science inquiry, and then proceed to show how this differs from, on the one hand, inquiry in the natural sciences and, on the other, inquiry in the humanities. Social Science Social science inquiry seeks to develop empirical theory. ?Empirical? refers to things that can be experienced through the five senses of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, or (in the case of political corruption) smelling. Theory? basically means explanation. An empirical theory of politics, then, is an attempt to explain why people behave the way they do politically. If a social scientist (or anyone else) observes people engaging in political behavior, he or she will need to focus on certain characteristics of the people being observed. The observer may wonder why some people differ from others in their political characteristics. Why, for example, are some people Liberals while others are Conservatives and still others are New Democrats. Characteristics that differ from one person to another are called one variables. Those that do not are called constants. Constants are generally less interesting than variables. There is not much point in trying to explain voting behavior in a country in which only one party appears on the ballot. Of course, we might then ask why some countries have only one party whereas others have multi-party systems, but now we are treating ? number of parties? as a variables. Everyday language is full of what are, in effect, hypotheses about political behavior. For example, talk about a ? gender gap? in voting hypothesizes that vote (the dependent variable) is in part a function of gender (the independent variable), with women more likely to vote for the Liberals or New Democrats and men more likely to vote Conservative. Social science research differs from everyday discussion of politics in two ways. The first is where hypotheses come from. Anyone who follows politics will likely carry around in his or her head a lot of ideas about what explains political behavior. Such ideas may come from personal experience, from conversations with others, or from following politics through the mass media. This is true as well for the ways social scientists think about politics. In addition, however, social scientists develop hypotheses more systematically by studying the scholarly literature for the results of previous research. This is important for at least a couple of reasons. For one thing, it is usually the case that the more you learn what is already known about a subject, the more new questions you are likely to have. A review of the literature helps generate new hypotheses. Even more important, social science seeks not merely to describe raw facts, but to explain why people behave the way that they do. To accomplish this, we need to put our ideas into a broader theoretical context that offers such an explanation. It is a fact that in the United States, from 1936 through 2000, the incumbent party has always won the presidency whenever the Washington Redskins won their last home game before the election, and lost whenever the Redskins lost. However, since there is no reasonable explanation for why this should be the case, it is merely an interesting bit of trivia, and no serious observer of politics would rely on it in analyzing the next presidential contest. A second difference is that, for many people, ideas about patterns of political behavior remain merely assumptions. Social science insists that the validity of assumptions must be tested against data. Conceptual definition. We need to know, and be able to communicate to others, what our independent and dependent variables mean. What, in other words, is the idea in our mind when we use a term? Definitions found in dictionaries are examples of conceptual definitions. Sometimes, the idea that is in our mind when we use a term will be obvious, but often it will not. Many concepts used in political science are anything but clear. If we are to study political ideology, for example, we need to spell out with as much precision as possible what that concept means in the context of our research. Operational definition. For hypotheses to be tested, we will need to come up with measurements of our variables. An operational definition is one stated in a way that can be directly measured by data. We strive for a one-to-one correspondence between our conceptual definitions and our measurements (operational definitions) of them. If we succeed, then our measurements have validity and reliability. Data needed to provide operational definitions of our variables come from a wide variety of sources. We may gather the data ourselves. Analysis of data that we gather in order to test hypotheses that we have formulated is called primary analysis. Often, however, this approach would be totally beyond our resources of time, money, and expertise. A nationwide survey of public opinion, for example, would take months to design and carry out, would cost many thousands of dollars, and would require the services of a large survey research organization. Often, secondary analysis of data (that is, analysis of data originally gathered for other purposes) will suit our needs far better. Indeed, very important databases are used almost exclusively in secondary analysis. The Census Canada data is a good example. Other surveys such as the Canadian National Election Study and the General Social Survey were created, in part, for the express purpose of providing quality survey data for secondary analysis by students of Canadian politics. Indeed much of the work using the Canadian National is based on secondary analysis. To facilitate secondary analysis, the University of Toronto Data Library, and other university-based data archives have been established throughout the world. The largest of these is the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) established in 1962. Today, over 500 colleges and universities from all over the world, including the University of Toronto are member institutions. Students and faculty at these institutions obtain datasets that provide the basis for numerous scholarly books, articles, and conference papers, graduate theses and dissertations, and undergraduate term papers. The Social Sciences and the Natural Sciences What we have described as the social science method ? the effort to explain empirical phenomena by developing and testing hypotheses ? could as easily be called simply ? the scientific method,? without the ?  social? qualifier. There are, however, differences between social sciences, including political science, and the natural sciences. Though these are differences in degree, they are important. One difference is that the natural sciences rely much more heavily on experimental design, in which subjects are assigned randomly to groups and in which the researcher is able to manipulate the independent varia ble in order to measure its impact on the dependent variable. Often, when people think about the scientific method, what they have in mind are these sorts of controlled laboratory experiments. In political science, we for the most part are not able to carry out experimental designs. If, for example, we wish to study the impact of party affiliation on decisions by judges, we cannot very well assign judges to different parties, but rather have to take the data as they come to us from observing judges in their natural setting. Experimental design, however, does not define the natural sciences, nor does its absence define the social sciences. Astronomy, for example, must of necessity rely on observation of things that cannot be manipulated. ?Epidemiological?  medical research also relies on non-experimental data. Conversely, the social science discipline of social psychology has been built in large part from experiments in small group laboratories. In political science, a great deal of laboratory research on the impact of campaign commercials has been carried out in recent years. Field experiments are also common, as when survey researchers will test the impact of alternativ e question wordings by splitting their sample and administering different questionnaire forms to different subsets of respondents. Nevertheless, it is fair to say that experimental designs are much less common in the social sciences, including political science, than in the natural sciences. Most of our research design is, in effect, an effort to approximate the logic of experimental design as closely as possible. Other differences, also differences in degree, have to do with lower levels of consensus in the social sciences. There is less consensus about conceptual definition. Even if we agree that power is a key concept for the study of politics, we may not agree on what power means. Chemists, on the other hand, not only agree that molecules are important, they also mean pretty much the same thing when they use the term. There is less consensus about operational definition. Chemists also agree on how to measure the atomic weight of a molecule. Social scientists are far from unanimous in the ways they go about measuring power. It bears repeating that these differences are ones of degree. In the natural sciences there are also disputes at the frontiers of the various disciplines about what concepts are important, what they mean, and how they should be measured. In the social sciences, consensus is likely to break down from the start. Even if we can agree that a particular concept is important, on what it means, and on how it should be measured, we will encounter far larger problems of measurement error than those in the natural sciences, where measurement is not without error, but is typically much more precise. Finally, remember that we are involved in trying to explain human behavior. People do not seem to behave as predictably as molecules. Philosophers are not in agreement on this point, but it may be that human behavior is inherently less predictabl The fact that we deal with tendencies rather than with laws means that, for the most part (and despite impressive work by ? rational choice? theorists to develop formal mathematical models of political behavior), political science makes relatively little use of elegant systems of deduction, but considerable use of statistics, which provides us with valuable tools for dealing with probabilities. Despite its unavoidable limitations, political science as a social science has produced an explosion in our knowledge about politics. This has had important practical consequences. For example, no serious aspirant for a major elected office in an economically developed democracy would consider embarking on a campaign without consulting experts in survey research, a signature social science technique. In addition to being, in part, a social science, political science is also in part a humanity. Political science as a humanity means at least a couple of different things.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Inner City School Systems Essay example -- essays research papers

The school system in America has long been an issue of discussion and debate amongst people everywhere. The discussions and debates often stem from evaluating the current educational system in order to determine if significant social issues, including increasing regional poverty and declining literacy rates in specific urban regions are related to economic differentiations in the educational system. Many policy analysts have considered the issue of educational funding allotments in order to determine a system that provides greater equity between socio-economically disadvantaged inner-city schools and wealthier suburban, middle class schools (Kozol 83). The foundation for the necessary funding changes have stemmed from the recognition that school funding differences relate directly to sociological issues, including the creation of a cycle of poverty and illiteracy in under funded urban settings. One of the most significant issues raised in public education in recent years is the radical difference that exists in funding levels between wealthy and poor school districts (Zuckman 49). Many states have allotted educational funding related to tax revenues, and this has determined a higher level of educational spending in wealthy neighborhoods and a much lower level of spending for inner-city poor and rural poor communities (Zuckman 49). The differences in these educational settings have had a direct impact on the outcomes for students. Because a positive educational setting is a d...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

AIDS/HIV Research :: essays research papers

AIDS Research All A.I.D.S research should be funded by the government. Today A.I.D.S has become a large concern within society. Sexually active youth are constantly threatened with the chance of getting A.I.D.S.. A.I.D.S is everyone's problem and a cure has to be found. With funding from the government, it will provide the capital necessary for the research to find a cure, to stop the spread of A.I.D.S; eventually bringing down the number of people contracting and spreading the disease. Presently, many people have contracted the A.I.D.S virus, and it has become close to an epidemic. People who are sexually active have this constant threat of the disease looming over their heads. The people that contract the disease are normal people just like you and I. This disease does not favor any race or sexual preference. Many more people than you might believe have this disease, and the thing is many of these people, don't even know that they have the virus. Although many people may consider A.I.D.S research as costly and ineffective it is extremely important as a cure is found. Research requires a lot of funding whether it be private or government funding. This money is exceptionally important, as it provides the equipment, and the peoples salary who are doing the research. The amount of money needed for the research may seem like it is a lot, but it is worth it. It is worth it because if you consider the amount of money that we give to foreign countries to aid their economy we could be using this money to save peoples lives all around the world. People are dieing everyday, and many more are in hospitals; so if we find the cure we will save lives, and get these people who have contracted the disease out of hospitals, and living on their own again. Furthermore, research to stop the spread of A.I.D.S must be done. Meanwhile, in the search for a cure, research has to be done to find better methods of stopping the spread of the disease.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Truth Will Set You Free

Isaiah Houston Mrs. Dempsey English 3, Period4 October 15, 2012 The Truth will set You Free â€Å"Honesty is the best Policy†- Benjamin Franklin. Ever since we were young our parents, teachers and mentors have told us that we should be honest with ourselves and each other. When people lie and act deceitful it will eventually catch up to them. I think that the lies people tell will start to pile up and weigh down your conscience. A prime example of this is in Arthur Miller’s play, the Crucible, when John Proctor hides his affair with Abigail and it continues to haunt him.In Arthur Miller’s the Crucible, he uses John Proctor’s character to illustrate that the truth will put one’s mind at ease and he/she will be set free. With witch trials going on, lies are eminent and they overshadow the truth. People are getting accused of witchcraft for the wrong reasons. The good names of all the respected citizens and being ruined and there’s little to not hing they can do about it. Proctor finds out that his wife Elizabeth is being accused by Abigail, the young lady he has come to know, and he sought revenge against her.John Proctor prepares to face his demons head on and come out with honesty. In order to save his wife, Proctor comes out and admits himself as a lecher in court in order to further convict Abigail and free Elizabeth. Proctor tells the Judge, â€Å"I have known her, sir. I have known her† (page 110). Saying that statement, Proctor crossed the threshold into a more open and honest life. He feels relieved to have the burden of his guilt lifted. By telling the truth Proctor feels free for one of the first times in his life. People can truly be considered honest when they’re willing to put their good name on the line.Once he comes out as a lecher, John Proctor puts his good name on the line and lifts the guilt off of his conscience. The good names of all the respected citizens and being ruined and thereâ€⠄¢s little they can do about it. In the midst of pleading his case Proctor tells the Judge Danforth, â€Å"I have made a bell of my honor! I have rung the doom of my good name ? you will believe me, Mr. Danforth! My wife is innocent, except she knew a whore when she saw one† (page 111)! Judge Danforth is skeptical about believing Proctor so it is up to John to make a convincing case as to why charges on Elizabeth should be dropped.Proctor has all his cards on the table by relying on Mary Warren’s testimony and is willing to ruin his good name for the sake of his wife and friends. From the beginning of the play up to this point people can tell that there has been a change of behavior in John. He seems more aware and selfless when it comes to the feelings and needs of other people. On his mission to save Elizabeth John is joined by his friends Giles Corey and Francis Nurse whose wives have been charged with witchcraft as well.It almost seems like a lost cause until they find out that Mary Warren is aware of Abigail’s lies and she is reluctant to testify on their behalf. But once they get to court Mary Warren betrays them because she cracks from the peer pressure, to maintain the lie that Abigail is telling. Mary Warren soon enough sides with Abigail and Proctor is convicted of wizardry. At this point, no one in Salem is safe, they are all in danger of being convicted or accused of witchcraft. Proctor, even though he was convicted, has a chance at freedom for him and Elizabeth.But that freedom would require him to lie and put flaw on his good name. Eventually Proctor refuses to further dirty his name and was put to death along with all his innocent friends Martha Corey, Rebecca Nurse, and Giles Corey. Upon his deathbed his wife Elizabeth now free and says, â€Å"He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him† (page 145)! Personally I think that Elizabeth can speak for everyone when she says that John has made right with everyb ody and has a clear conscience as he goes to his grave. People can truly be considered honest when they’re willing to sacrifice yourself for others.In Arthur Miller’s the Crucible, he uses John Proctor’s character to illustrate that the truth will put your mind at ease and set you free. When you lie and act deceitful it will eventually catch up to you. Like when Abigail tells all her lies and they eventually catch up to her, causing her to flee Salem. A prime example of this is in Arthur Miller’s play, the Crucible, when John Proctor hides his affair with Abigail and it continues to haunt him. Ever since we were young our parents, teachers and mentors have told us that we should be honest with ourselves and each other. â€Å"Honesty is the best Policy†- Benjamin Franklin.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Love vs Infatuation

Love Vs. Infatuation There are plenty of differences between being infatuated with someone and being in love with someone. A person knows in their heart what they feel but most of the time the two can be confused. Usually it takes a little while to know whether or not you’re infatuated versus being in love. You won’t know overnight but sometimes you have to figure it out for yourself. Both love and infatuation are crazy things, They are both led by something other than your brain which is why it’s so hard to distinguish the two. Love is led by your heart and infatuation, by the chemicals released in your body.Infatuation may have some similar â€Å"symptoms† of love but the differences overrule the small similarities. I myself still have trouble separating the two. It would be an amazing thing if a guide book just dropped down to help you figure out just what you were experiencing. Unfortunately that does not exist so I will distinguish the difference betw een love and infatuation in the next few paragraphs, with some help from some people experienced in the area. â€Å"Love is friendship that has caught fire; it takes root and grows, one day at a time†, Ann Landers of the Chicago Tribune says.I love this quote because it really gives you an idea of how love should start. Love takes time to grow, it does not come overnight. It isn’t something like a fairytale. For instance in Cinderella, Cinderella leaves her glass slipper behind and the prince searches for her and they fall in love and get married in what seems like less than a month. Yes there may be some out there that do get married or â€Å"fall in love† in such a short time span. Usually those are the relationships that don’t last long or work out. â€Å"When you’re in love, you feel strong, full of life, and happy.You feel Secure and beautiful†, S. E Jones, Yahoo contributor beautifully puts her version of love. With love you donâ€℠¢t feel as if you have to worry about your mental state of mind; you feel great, like as if nothing can bring you down or get in your way. You might feel as if anything that comes your way you can handle. With love comes trust, you trust them quite literally with your heart. Some people may even trust their partner with their life, they would give their own life to save the other if it came down to it. Lastly I believe love is taking each other mperfections; every single one of them and saying wholeheartedly that you accept them. No matter how horrible they may be you can say that you still accept them, love them, and want to spend the rest of your life with them. You should not have really try when you’re in love. Love is mature, it is effortless. Infatuation I feel is fairly, easily confused with love because when you think of love you think of this intense, strong feeling. Infatuation is a strong, deep feeling as well but there is a big difference between the two.The reaso n infatuation can feel so intense and strong feeling is because with infatuation it all comes at once, sort of like a bomb. However, unlike love the â€Å"bomb† goes off after a short time and does not last as long as love does. Infatuation does not grow over time because when you’re infatuated you need instant gratification. Also, when you are infatuated you are constantly wondering. Wondering if your partner is doing something behind you back to hurt you, if they like you as much as you like them, and simply what they think of you.To sum it up with infatuation come constant worrying and anxiety. Unlike love you do not feel secure or safe. â€Å"Infatuation lacks confidence†, Ann Landers simply puts it. In an infatuated relationship you fell as if disaster is around the corner. You feel like your partner is going to disappoint you or even that you are going to lose your partner at any point. In which most cases things are fine and you are just overthinking but that’s what comes along with infatuation, being in that obsessive state of mind.With infatuation there is no trust, just hope. Again using S. E Jones creative words â€Å"Infatuation is getting through today and hoping tomorrow will be good too†. Infatuation is a very interesting experience, fun to some. It is bound to happen at some point. Infatuation is the â€Å"evil twin† it’s nice looking on the exterior but it ends up being a little less than horrible when looked at a little closer. Now as you can see there are big differences between love and infatuation. On the other hand see how easy it may be to mix up the two.It’s sort of like infatuation is the kid in you while love is the adult. It’s important to know sometimes it is inevitable to be infatuated with a person but once love comes around you’ll see just what you were missing out on. Love lasts and is sometimes quite literally your best friend; a lot of people in love view th eir partners as their best friend which is an amazing thing in itself. Unfortunately Infatuation can be compared to that friend you were best friends all throughout middle school but lost touch with when you entered high school.Some things just aren’t meant to last but that’s mostly because better things like love are waiting to happen. References * Jones, S. E. â€Å"The top ten differences between love and infatuation. †Ã‚  Yahoo Voices. Yahoo, 15 Sep 2009. Web. 1 Apr 2013. . * Landers, Ann. â€Å"Love Vs. infatuation: Telling the difference. â€Å"Chicago Tribune A&E. Chicago Tribune, 01 Dec 1990. Web. 1 Apr 2013. .

Open Ended Questions in Research Essay

Questionnaires and surveys are useful for determining the attitudes, characteristics, profiles, beliefs from a sample of people. In designing a questionnaire that focuses on open ended questions the main concern should be on determining the way the responses will be quantified. Open ended questions are often used in research to clarify closed questions or as a means of generating ideas. In both cases it is generally assumed that the longer and more detailed the response to an open ended question the better (Graziano et al, 2000). However, relatively little is known about the effect of factors such as question wording or questionnaire design on the response to open ended questions. There is a need to ask open ended questions when the researcher desires to probe deeper into a subject area. The use of open ended questions is more common in subjects which are relatively unrehearsed. Open ended questions are also of value, where response cannot be predicted, or maybe to the reduce potential for researcher induced bias. This method makes it possible to explore a range of ideas about a certain issue or topic. Open ended questionnaire questions can be also be quantified but in more indirect way. â€Å"Converting raw, open ended data from large sample sizes into meaningful categories that the researcher can utilize to quantify the results presents a challenge† (Culp, 1998). Several strategies can be used to convert these responses into meaningful information. Using qualitative data analysis software is rapidly becoming feasible. Using software applications that support content analysis and data linking and those that offer advanced linguistic analysis. The content-analysis applications allow an analyst to assess the number of times a participant uses a particular word or phrase in written material or transcribed remarks. By counting the frequency of words and noting the association of certain words, one can categorize themes and concepts. By thus â€Å"quantifying† the qualitative communication, an analyst can associate the resulting information with other quantitative data. A more sophisticated analysis is possible with linguistic analysis, which examines the semantics, syntax, and context of participant’s verbal communications. Linguistic analysis applications help the analyst  identify the key ideas in a text, gain an indication of the relative importance of each idea, and then develop a prediction of a participants attitude and or behavior based on the context of the remarks† (Gale, 2005). The author would also consider scoring qualitative open ended question with coded values. For example expression strong emotional response against an idea could be valued as a 3, while a moderate response could be scored as 2, and a neutral or vague response a 1. Another idea that could be utilized is coding using a Likert type scale based on how overtly strong an idea or opinion is expressed. This method could induce bias if the person doing the interview or scoring the questionnaire has a personal preference in this idea. The research question should not be made known to the person doing the scoring in order to reduce the possibility of bias. The author believes that bias could also be minimized if several individuals do the scoring and the score then be averaged. Summary The topic chosen by this author lends itself well to open ended questions as it solicits responses in terms of attitudes, opinions, and beliefs about the economy. The following open ended questions are an example of questions that might be used in an interview about this topic. †¢How do you feel about the current state of the economy?†¢What do you think caused the recent economic downfall?†¢How has the economy affected your budget?The author would use scoring qualitative open ended question with coded values. For example, strong response could be valued as a 3, while a moderate response could be scored as 2 and a neutral or vague response a 1. The author would then do an analysis of the content based on the categorizations of opinions and attitudes. In a full scale research project, the author would use a mixture of quantitative and qualitative question in order to establish opinions, thoughts, or beliefs on the subject. This would aid in the analysis of attitudes on the topic. The validity of this type of research is only in the accurate analysis of the opinions and attitudes of the participants. References Culp, K. & Pilat, M. (1999). Converting feedback into quantifiable  categories [Electronicversion]. Journal of Extension 37(4). Dilts, R., Grinder, J., Bandler, R., Delozier, J. (1980). The Study of the Structure of SubjectiveExperience, Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Vol I. CA: Meta PublicationsGale, T (2005). Let me count the words: quantifying open ended interactions with customers,Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly Pub 01-Aug-2005, RetrievedMay 3, 2009 fromwww://, R. A. & Davis, S. F. (2007), The Psychologist as Detective. New Jersey: PearsonEducation, Inc. Graziano, Anthony M. & Raulin, Michael L. (2000) Research Methods: A Process ofInquiry. Massachusetts: Allyn & Bacon.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Financial Statement Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial Statement Analysis - Assignment Example A provision for warranty should be provided for at 2% and any changes is taken to the profit and loss account. An account should be maintained that has this figures and if there is returns then the actual amount and changes in the provision is taken to the profit and loss account. b. Calculate K2’s warranty expense for 2008. Opening balance 8,430,000 Provision 2% of 1,934,700,000 38, 694,000 47, 124,000 Closing balance 6,490,000 Warranty expense for the period 40,634,000 c. How much did K2 pay during the year to repair and or replace goods under warranty? Amount paid for repairs =50% of warranty Amount paid for repairs =50% of 2% of 1934.7million = 19,347,000 2. (6 points) Mustang Inc. issued $800,000 of 5%, 20-year bonds at 96 on January 1, 2000. Through Jan 1, 2008, Mustang amortized $20,000 of the bond discount. On January 1, 2008, Mustang Inc. retired the bonds at 102 (after making the interest payment on that date). a. Calculate the net book value of the bond on January 1 , 2008 Interest = .05 x800,000= 40,000 Net book value = 800,000x102/100 = 816,000 b. and the gain or loss that Mustang would report for this retirement. Loss of the retirement = 800,000-816,000= 16,000 3. Higher Ratio financial risk Total debt/ equity (%) Increases EBITDA interest coverage Decreases Operating income/Sales (%) Decreases Free operating cash flow/Total debt (%) Decreases Return on equity (%) Decreases FFO/Total debt (%) Increases / Decreases Long-term debt/ equity (%) Increases EBIT interest coverage Decreases 4. (18 points) Progressive Corporation (a property and casualty insurance company) reported the following in its 2008 annual report: 2008 2007 (in millions) Carrying Value Fair Value Carrying Value Fair Value 6.375% Senior Notes due 2012 (issued: $350.0, December 2001) $ 348.9 $ 355.3 $ 348.6 $ 367.8 7% Notes due 2013 (issued: $150.0, October 1993) 149.3 154.3 149.2 162.9 6 5?8% Senior Notes due 2029 (issued: $300.0, March 1999) 294.6 272.0 294.4 311.8 6.25% Seni or Notes due 2032 (issued: $400.0, November 2002) 394.0 350.0 393.9 397.6 6.70% Fixed-to-Floating Rate Junior Subordinated Debentures due 2067 (issued: $1,000.0, June 2007 988.7 450.0 987.8 936.5 $2,175.5 $1,581.6 $2,173.9 $2,176.6 On December  31, 2008, we entered into a 364-Day Secured Liquidity Credit Facility Agreement with National City Bank (NCB). Under this agreement, we may borrow up to $125 million, which may be increased to $150 million at our request but subject to NCB’s discretion. The purpose of the credit facility is to provide liquidity in the event of disruptions in our cash management operations, such as disruptions in the financial markets, that affect our ability to transfer or receive funds. The revolving credit facility agreement discussed above replaced an uncommitted line of credit with NCB in the principal amount of $125 million. Under this terminated agreement, no commitment fees were required to be paid and there were no rating triggers. Interest o n amounts borrowed would have generally accrued at the one-month LIBOR plus .375%. We had no borrowings under this arrangement during 2008, 2007, or 2006. Aggregate principal payments on debt outstanding at December  31, 2008, are $0 for 2009, 2010, and 2011, $350.0 million for 2012, $150.0 million for 2013, and $1.7 billion thereafter. Required: a. What amount does Progressive report for long-term debt on its balance sheet? The amount of long-term debt reported in the year 2008 was 2,175.5 million and 2,173.9million in the year 2007 b. Why is

Monday, October 7, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 65

Assignment - Essay Example Moreover, in such cases any sort of negative complications of pets relating to death or illness, may distorts the sentimental balance of the attached persons. At that moment, the written descriptions made by such emotionally hurt individuals often termed as lossography. People suffering from such pain and misery often tend towards expressing their emotions for loosening up the excessive level of mental stress to which they are subjected. In this respect, an individual presenting emotion in writing is an effective way of understanding psychological distress. Presenting emotional distress in writing is considered as a form of psychological treatment. Thus, lossography is an effective measure based on which pain and sufferings of an individual can be analyzed at the time of loss (Sheridan 20-50). Considering the above aspects, it can be stated that human beings have different ways of expressing their feelings and emotions. One of such techniques is the lossography that can be considered effective enough under such circumstances. This technique also helps in describing the behavioral and emotional attachment trends of an individual. Sheridan, Thomas. A complete Dictionary of the English Language, Both with Regard to Sound and Meaning; to which is Prefixed a Prosodial Grammar. The 2. Ed. Corr. and Enlarged. - London, Dilly 1789. North America: Dilly, 1789.